Over the past couple of week there have been quite a few cover releases! So, I thought instead of doing an individual post for each cover I would compile all of them into one, epic cover revealing! Woo!
First up is:
Sever by Lauren DeStephano!
This is the third and final book in her Chemical Garden series!
This cover looks a lot more organized than the last two.
Next up is:
Throught the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi!
This is her second book in the Under the Never Sky trilogy, the third being Into the Still Blue!
Doesn't this cover look AWESOME?! I wonder who's on the cover... It can't be Perry, can it? I imgained him to be more... Native American-ish.
Third Book Cover Reveal is:
Everbound by Brodi Ashton!
This is the second book in her Everneath trilogy! This first one being Everneath and the third one still untitled!
Isn't this cover just so STUNNING?! Look at that dress! It looks like it's morphing into a storm or something!
Fourth reveal:
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter!
Now, truth be told I've never read this series and to be quite honest, I don't really intend to. But I just thought that the cover was so cool! I love the blue of her eyes! And the image that's reflected in her glasses?! So cool!
Fifth, sixth and SEVENTH reveal:
Shatter Me, Destroy Me, & Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi!
Shatter Me is the first book in her Shatter Me trilogy with Unravel Me being the second and an untitled third novel without a cover.
Destroy Me is a novella that takes place between books 1 & 2 from the perspective of Warner!
Now, I'm sure that there's quite a bit that I've missed, but that's okay! Just leave a link down in the comments if you'd like.. Or maybe post a picture in them (Is that possible?)!
So tell me... Which book are you most excited for here?! What's your favorite cover!? Mine's definitely got to be Everbound, I'm just a sucker for things that start off as one thing and turn into another! Although, I'd have to say that I'm most exited for Rossi's Through the Ever Night! Tell me what you guys think!
Ps; One a side note, I'm leaving tomorrow for Florida (Wooo!)! We plan on visiting Harry Potter world on our way down since we're driving! And I was wondering if you guys want me to post about it? Or maybe just do a haul of the things that I got? Let me know! And just a fore-warning... I might not be nearly as active while I'm away. *sadface* I'm not getting back till the 15th of July, but maybe I can find some net and still participate in the weekly memes?! Or keep you updated on my trip? I don't know. So let me know!
Anyways. Comment, like, maybe even tweet?! That would be awesome! :)
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