
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Stacking the Shelves (4)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews where readers get to share what they bought/borrowed/received over the past week. If you're intersted in participating, here's how you do it!:

  • Create your own Stacking The Shelves post. You can use my official graphic or your own, but please link back to Tynga’s Reviews so more people can join the fun! 
  • You can set your post any way you want, simple book list, covers, pictures, vlog, sky is the limit! 
  • I am posting Stacking The Shelves on Saturdays, but feel free to post yours any day that fits you
  • Visit Tynga’s Reviews on Saturday and add your link so others can visit you!
  • Visit other participants link to find out what they added to their shelves!

Here's what I got this week!:
Erebos by Ursula Poznanski
And Both Were Young by Madeleine LÉngle

I've already read Erebos, and OHMYGOODNESS was it ever good! It's definitely a creepy read, so I wouldn't suggest reading it at night if you're someone who's easily scared. 

Right now I'm actually currently-reading & Both Were Young. It was originally published in the 1940s, so the writing style is definitely different than what I'm used to. But it's really sweet and cute! The writing kind of just skims the surface of everything and leaves it up to the reader to kind of think things over and determine what they want to get out of it. Hopefully I'll manage to have a review up for this as well! 

Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult
I saw this one in Costco and opened it up and saw all the cute and amazing illustrations and I just couldn't resist! Let's hope the story is as good as the drawings!

What did you guys get this week?!

Friday, 29 June 2012

Erebos by Ursula Poznanski

Rating: Starry Eyed - 5/5
Release Date: January 19th, 2012
Publishers: Annick Press
Pages: 434
Source: Bought
Series: This is the only one! Hurray for stand-alones!

First, a quick summary from Goodreads: 

An intelligent computer game with a disturbing agenda.
When 16-year-old Nick receives a package containing the mysterious computer game Erebos, he wonders if it will explain the behavior of his classmates, who have been secretive lately. Players of the game must obey strict rules: always play alone, never talk about the game, and never tell anyone your nickname.

Curious, Nick joins the game and quickly becomes addicted. But Erebos knows a lot about the players and begins to manipulate their lives. When it sends Nick on a deadly assignment, he refuses and is banished from the game.

Now unable to play, Nick turns to a friend for help in finding out who controls the game. The two set off on a dangerous mission in which the border between reality and the virtual world begins to blur. This utterly convincing and suspenseful thriller originated in Germany, where it has become a runaway bestseller.
Erebos is about a kid named Nick who's friend Colin seems to suddenly disappear without notice. Once Nick finds out that it's some copied disk that's made Colin hole up in his room for the past few weeks, Nick is determined to get his hands on a copy and eventually he does. Eager to try out his copied CD of Erebos, Nick doesn't waste his time on popping it in his computer and becomes addicted himself. After that, the story truly comes alive as we watch Nick level up his character by questionable means and find out how evil this game really is.

The story or Erebos is so incredibly creepy and yet so intensely captivating at the same time. I really, really, really loved this book! After having read a bit of the book before bed, I couldn't help but close it and marvel at the cover for a bit. But never for too long... The eye would always creep me out after reading it.

Admittiedly, I was a game junky myself a couple of years ago. Addictions like this do happen, and it's really scary to watch it and experience it first hand while still being conscience of what's going on. As Nick ran around in Erebos as Sarius, I felt as if I was the one playing, not Nick. And it was marvelous. The game seems to have a mind of its own, giving logical answers to any question asked of it.

Nick really jumps off of the page for me as well. He's a great character to experience the story of Erebos with. Half the time I felt like I was Nick. I would feel his anger when his parents interrupted him. His indecision when the messenger gave him his new orders. His disappointment when he didn't do as well as he hoped. By the end of the book, I felt like I had been friends with Nick for a long time. Almost as if I knew him inside and out.

Plus, this book is so unique. I've never read anything like this before, and considering how many books I've read in my lifetime, that's saying something. The only issue I really had with this book was the randomness of the ending. The identity of one of the players completely threw me off. I also thought it was kind of random how Erebos was mapped out in terms of the real world. Maybe not random, but just... Odd? I don't know. But all over the good in this book over-shadowed these small details. I was still greatly satisfied with the ending of this book and I would easily recommend it to anyone!

On a side note... This book originated in Germany, so it's kind of expensive for a paperback at $19.95... But believe me, it's so worth the money. And you can always get it discounted if you order it online! A truly unique & captivating story that just hooks you in right from the beginning.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Spotted Covers!

Over the past couple of week there have been quite a few cover releases! So, I thought instead of doing an individual post for each cover I would compile all of them into one, epic cover revealing! Woo!

First up is:
Sever by Lauren DeStephano! 
This is the third and final book in her Chemical Garden series!
This cover looks a lot more organized than the last two.

Next up is: 
Throught the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi!
This is her second book in the Under the Never Sky trilogy, the third being Into the Still Blue!
Doesn't this cover look AWESOME?! I wonder who's on the cover... It can't be Perry, can it? I imgained him to be more... Native American-ish. 

Third Book Cover Reveal is:
Everbound by Brodi Ashton!
This is the second book in her Everneath trilogy! This first one being Everneath and the third one still untitled! 
Isn't this cover just so STUNNING?! Look at that dress! It looks like it's morphing into a storm or something!

Fourth reveal:
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter!
Now, truth be told I've never read this series and to be quite honest, I don't really intend to. But I just thought that the cover was so cool! I love the blue of her eyes! And the image that's reflected in her glasses?! So cool!

Fifth, sixth and SEVENTH reveal:

Shatter Me, Destroy Me, & Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi!
Shatter Me is the first book in her Shatter Me trilogy with Unravel Me being the second and an untitled third novel without a cover. 
Destroy Me is a novella that takes place between books 1 & 2 from the perspective of Warner!

Now, I'm sure that there's quite a bit that I've missed, but that's okay! Just leave a link down in the comments if you'd like.. Or maybe post a picture in them (Is that possible?)! 

So tell me... Which book are you most excited for here?! What's your favorite cover!? Mine's definitely got to be Everbound, I'm just a sucker for things that start off as one thing and turn into another! Although, I'd have to say that I'm most exited for Rossi's Through the Ever Night! Tell me what you guys think!

Ps; One a side note, I'm leaving tomorrow for Florida (Wooo!)! We plan on visiting Harry Potter world on our way down since we're driving! And I was wondering if you guys want me to post about it? Or maybe just do a haul of the things that I got? Let me know! And just a fore-warning... I might not be nearly as active while I'm away. *sadface* I'm not getting back till the 15th of July, but maybe I can find some net and still participate in the weekly memes?! Or keep you updated on my trip? I don't know. So let me know!

Anyways. Comment, like, maybe even tweet?! That would be awesome! :)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (4)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine where you get to share up-coming books that you're super excited for!

So without further ado, this week I'm waiting on....

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Meant to be or not meant to be . . . that is the question. 

It's one thing to fall head over heels into a puddle of hazelnut coffee, and quite another to fall for the—gasp—wrong guy. Straight-A junior Julia may be accident prone, but she's queen of following rules and being prepared. That's why she keeps a pencil sharpener in her purse and a pocket Shakespeare in her, well, pocket. And that's also why she's chosen Mark Bixford, her childhood crush, as her MTB ("meant to be").

But this spring break, Julia's rules are about to get defenestrated (SAT word: to be thrown from a window) when she's partnered with her personal nemesis, class-clown Jason, on a school trip to London. After one wild party, Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number! Jason promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love.

Because sometimes the things you least expect are the most meant to be.

Now I'm not usually a contemporary kind of person, but this sounds absolutely PHENOMINAL. I am actually very excited for this book, believe it or not and believe it or not, it's a debut novel! It just sounds like an awesome love story and I cannot wait to get my hands on this book which is supposed to come out on November 13th! 

So pumped!

What are you guys waiting for this Wednesday? :)

Monday, 25 June 2012

So Close to You by Rachel Carter

Rating: Wide Eyed - 4/5
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: July 10th, 2012
Pages: 313

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
Lydia Bentley has heard stories about the Montauk Project all her life: stories about the strange things that took place at the abandoned military base near her home and the people who've disappeared over the years. Stories about people like her own great-grandfather. 
When Lydia stumbles into a portal that transports her to a dangerous and strange new reality, she discovers that all the stories she's ever heard about the Montauk Project are true, and that she's in the middle of one of the most dangerous experiments in history. 
Alongside a darkly mysterious boy she is wary to trust, Lydia begins to unravel the secrets surrounding the Project. But the truths behind these secrets force her to question all her choices--and if Lydia chooses wrong, she might not save her family but destroy them . . . and herself.
Lydia has a close relationship with her grandfather. She never turns him down when he asks her to go on one of his search & (hopefully) rescue missions to Camp Hero. Lydia's grandfather - Peter - lost his father at the age of seven, and he's never been able to let it go. Peter is convinced that his father's disappearance wasn't due to war, but rather the "Montauk Project," rumored to have taken place at Camp Hero.

But of course, like everybody else, Lydia believes her grandfather has become a little too obsessed with his search for clues - until she one day forgets her sweater. When she goes back to retrieve it, she makes a decision that will change not only her life, but as well as her grandfather's life forever.

After stumbling her way into a time machine that brings her back six days before her great-grandfather's disappearance, Lydia makes the only decision she can. She decides to find out what happened to her great-grandfather, and stop it.

I had never heard of this book before I entered a contest on Goodreads in hopes of winning myself a copy. And boy, was I happy when I did! So before I get started on my review, I'd just like to thank Harper Collins, Goodreads and Rachel Carter for giving me the opportunity to win this book. Really, thanks. :)

Lydia is a great main character, she describes the differences between our time and the 1940s so well, it's practically tangible. The writing in this book was absolutely FLAWLESS. I'm still awe-struck with how amazing it was. Everything flowed so easily and nothing felt out of place while reading So Close to You.

Lydia's character was completely believable, too. Instead of stepping into the 1940s and everything being fine and dandy, it was obvious to me that she was out of place. Everything from the way that she talked, to the way she was completely blown away by the designs they used to label canned goods back in the day.

Her relationship with Wes, on the other hand, didn't quite sit right with me. I couldn't really understand why Lydia was so smitten with him when she had only seen him a few brief times during the book. I almost feel as if she put him up on some kind of pedestal that he's not going to be able to live up to in the second book (which I can't wait for, by the way!).

The plot was pretty decently paced as well, it wasn't edge-if-your-seat worthy, but it definitely wasn't one of those slow, almost unbearable reads. Quite often I found I was reading the book more for the way the book was written than out of care for the plot or characters. Honestly, the writing was my favorite part of the book.

And the ending! Ugh, the ending! Plot twist after plot twist that I didn't see coming AT. ALL. And I kinda felt dumb for not seeing it beforehand.

Butyeah. This book was absolutely SPECTACULAR and the writing was IMPECCABLE. And I am just in love with the way Rachel Carter writes, and I don't think I will ever get over it, and you need to go out and buy this book as soon as it hits shelves so you can see and appreciate her amazing writing capabilities! Such a great book!

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Liebster Award

I was tagged in the Liebster Blog Award by two lovely people: Breath of Books & Readers Confession.

The Rules:
- Post 11 facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions that the blogger gives you.
- Tag 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers (or you could just read the questions and comment!)
- Make up 11 questions for them to answer.

11 Facts About Me:
1) I have written a full-length novel before only to go back and realize that I'd written so badly that I didn't even considering editing it, lmao.
2) I just finished my first year at college and I absolutely LOVED it!
3) I love to draw anime (Mostly because it's the only thing I can draw).
4) I'm a sucker for discounted books... Or really, discounted anything.
5) I work in a bowling alley!
6) I don't really like shopping for clothes. 
7) I love music!
8) In high school I played the trumpet for my school concert band. :)
9) I'm going to school in September for Urban Planning (So stoked!).
10) I'm starting to run out of room for my books... oh no!
11) A lot of my favorite movies a book-to-movie adaptations. :)

Questions from Breath of Books

1. What is your favorite thing about book blogging?
Seeing people stop by and watching as the number of page views goes up! I love seeing that people are actually taking time out of their day to come and see my blog. It's so exciting! As well as when people comment! Comments make me really happy (Just ask my sister). :)

2. What book are your currently reading?I'm currently reading So Close to You  by Rachel Carter!

3. What are five books you want to read this summer?(a) A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
(b) The White Queen by Philippa Gregory 
(c) Where She Went by Gayle Forman
(d) Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder
(e) Fly by Night by Frances Hardinge
(These are just some of the books from my Summer Reading Challenge 2012 if you want to check it out!)

4. How long have you been blogging?I've been blogging since the 23rd of May!

5. Do you participate in any memes? If so, which ones?
I participate in Stacking the Shelves every Saturday hosted by Tynga's Reviews as well as Waiting on Wednesday every.. Well, Wednesday which is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

6. Who is your favorite author?
John Green! 

7. Do you prefer series or stand-alone books?
Well, this answer's a bit complicated... I prefer stand-alones, but the kind of books that I'm interested in aren't hardly EVER stand-alones. So I guess I don't really have a preference?

8. Do you have a Goodreads account?
Yes I do! It is riiiiiiiiight -> here!

9. Have you gotten any ARCs since you've started blogging?
Yes I have! But it wasn't really given to me.. I won it in a giveaway off of Goodreads. -insert huge smiley face-

10. What upcoming book are you looking forward to the most?
TIGER LILY! I love Peter Pan! Only -counts- 9 days left!

11. Do you like to write to as well, or do you only like to read?
I do like to write! Although, I've only finished one book and it wasn't that great.... I tend to get stuck on my books half-way through.... Maybe it would help if I did more in-depth plot development!

Questions from Readers Confession

When did you start blogging?
May 23rd, 2012!

What made you decide to blog?
I had been watching booktubers on YouTube and I couldn't get them out of my head! So I tried to join the ranks of them! But then I realized that I'm extremely awkward on tape and that I don't have the greatest recording equipment... Maybe that's something I should invest my money into next?

What are your goals for blogging?
To be the best blogger in the whole WORLD!  .. Lol, I'm just joking. That would be awkward. I don't really know. I guess just to have my opinion matter to people? That would be awesome. Just having someone picking up a book because I loved it. Although, I'd hate to stop people from picking up books...

What is best thing that's happened to you since you starting blogging?
My followers! I love watching the number climb up and up! It makes me so happy that people like my blog enough to want to keep updated on it!

What is your all-time favorite book?
Looking for Alaska by John Green. It's just so EPIC. It has every single little emotion packed into such a tiny book. It's amazing.

What is the one book/series that you would suggest to me?
Uhhh. My all-time favorite book? Duh, lol. But if you've read that one already (cause I know a lot of people have), then may I suggest The Selection by Kiera Cass? I've heard that all of the drama surrounding it is kind of putting people off of that book. But trust me, it's AWESOME! Just read my review!

Where do you receive your ARC's or do you only purchase your own?
I get them sent in the mail! I own a kobo, but I don't like it that much, so I don't really use it... Although I'd probably be more likely to get an ARC on that then in the mail.

Who is your all-time favorite author?
John Greeeeeen!

Where is your favorite place to read?
Anywhere that I can open up a book!

What is the greatest blogging advice that you have received so far?
Hmmm. Probably the helpful HTML codes that Liz over at Midnight Bloom Reads helped me find! Thanks again Liz!

To lighten it up, Magic Mike comes out Friday (yahh)...who would you cast in your movie? :-)
I think the cast is perfect just the way it is, haha! I'm going to go see it with my Nana and it is going to be freaking hilarious. I'm so excited!

Bloggers I Tagged:
Uhmm... Instead of tagging bloggers, I think I'm just going to go ahead and let anyone answer the questions! If you're reading this post, please don't be afraid to comment!

Questions From Me!
1. When did you start blogging?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. Who are some of your favorite bloggers?
4. What's your top 5 favorite stand-alone books?
5. What's your top 5 favorite series?
6. Who are you top 5 favorite authors?
7. Do you like book-to-movie adaptations? Or do you just think they should stop before someone gets hurt?
8. Have you ever checked out the BookTubing community?
9. What's your top 5 favorite book-to-movie adaptations?
10. Have you ever set up a list of songs for a book? Or just thought that one song goes really well with a certain book? If so, share!
11. Have you ever written a book? Or half of a book... Or even just a page? If so, what's it about?! :)

Again, as you guys can see I didn't really tag anybody... But! If you'd held out this long, please don't be afraid to answer the questions in the comments below! Or even just a few of them if you'd like! That'd be really awesome. :) 

Happy Reading!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Stacking the Shelves (3)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews

Here's how you participate in your own Stacking the Shelves:
  • Create your own Stacking The Shelves post. You can use my official graphic or your own, but please link back to Tynga’s Reviews so more people can join the fun! 
  • You can set your post any way you want, simple book list, covers, pictures, vlog, sky is the limit! 
  • I am posting Stacking The Shelves on Saturdays, but feel free to post yours any day that fits you. 
  • Visit Tynga’s Reviews on Saturday and add your link so others can visit you!
  • Visit other participants link to find out what they added to their shelves!
This week I only got two books since I'm trying to catch up on my reading!

The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead: Bought
So Close to You by Rachel Carter: Won from a Goodreads give away!

You can imagine my excitement when I found out that I had won Carter's So Close to You in a giveaway on Goodreads. Honestly, I'd never heard about the book before I entered the contest, but I'm so glad that I did! This is the first book that I've ever won off of Goodreads, and I was showing off my new book to everyone in my family (who's only answer was the roll of their eyes... They just don't understand my need for book!) along with anyone else who would listen!

So tell me, guys... What did you get this week? :)

Friday, 22 June 2012

Taken at Dusk by C. C. Hunter

Rating: Clear Eyed - 3/5
Release Date: April 10th 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 380
Series: Shadow Falls #3

***This will contain spoilers for books 1 & 2***

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
"Kylie Galen wants the truth so badly she can taste it. The truth about who her real family is, the truth about which boy she’s meant to be with—and the truth about what her emerging powers mean. But she’s about to discover that some secrets can change your life forever…and not always for the better. 
Just when she and Lucas are finally getting close, she learns that his pack has forbidden them from being together. Was it a mistake to pick him over Derek? And it’s not just romance troubling Kylie. An amnesia-stricken ghost is haunting her, delivering the frightful warning, someone lives and someone dies. As Kylie races to unravel the mystery and protect those she loves, she finally unlocks the truth about her supernatural identity, which is far different—and more astonishing—than she ever imagined."
 From Awake at Dawn, Kylie learned that she is a protector. Yet, that still doesn't FULLY answer her question as to what she is... And boy, would I like to know. Unfortunately, with all of the jumpy writing, that is, Kylie would be attempting - or more likely being forced - to solve one problem, an interruption would occur half way through and then Kylie would be attempting to solve another problem only to be interrupted again or by simply pushing it away because she doesn't want to deal with it, or because she feels like she deserves a break. You've had a break for the past three books now, woman! Get cracking!

Again, Kylie's inability to deal with her problems gnawed at me this whole book. In fact, they gnawed at me so much that I almost had to put it down. Seriously. A lot of the problems were with boys, and these problems did nothing to forward the plot. I wouldn't have minded it so much if there had been some steamy kissing moments - but they ALWAYS got interrupted! Always! GAH! 

So. The plot moved at a somewhat unbearable pace until the very end, which now has me eager for book 4, Whispers at Moonlight. How do you do it, Hunter?! How do you make me hate a book so much and yet make me want to go out and buy the next one?! Tell me your secrets!

All in all, the beginning was good, the ending was edge-of-your-seat-awesome... But the middle stuff? Not so much. I still think you should read this series! I did like this book as a whole! Just... Get it from your public library or something, and if you end up loving it more than I did, then go out and buy it!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (3)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where you show case an up-coming book that you just can't wait to get your hands on! So, without further ado... 

    by Rachel Hartman
"Four decades of peace have done little to ease the mistrust between humans and dragons in the kingdom of Goredd. Folding themselves into human shape, dragons attend court as ambassadors, and lend their rational, mathematical minds to universities as scholars and teachers. As the treaty's anniversary draws near, however, tensions are high.
Seraphina Dombegh has reason to fear both sides. An unusually gifted musician, she joins the court just as a member of the royal family is murdered—in suspiciously draconian fashion. Seraphina is drawn into the investigation, partnering with the captain of the Queen's Guard, the dangerously perceptive Prince Lucian Kiggs. While they begin to uncover hints of a sinister plot to destroy the peace, Seraphina struggles to protect her own secret, the secret behind her musical gift, one so terrible that its discovery could mean her very life."
After hearing amazing things about this book from Liz at Midnight Bloom Reads and Misty at The Book Rat, I just had to check it out.... And doesn't this book sound so AWESOME?! It's been a while since I've read a high-fantasy novel, and I think I know where I'm going to get my fix. I watched the trailer for Seraphina earlier today (here), and I absolutely LOVED it! I can't wait till this book comes out so I can get my hands on a copy of it to read!

So excited!

What are you guys waiting on this wednesday? :)

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The Rising by Kelley Armstrong Cover Reveal!

Unfortunately I couldn't find a summary on the book, but... Look at how awesome it is! It looks like she was running away from someone and heard a noise behind her and was all, "What was that?!" But in a really pretty, super-model way. 

And I have to admit that I haven't seen.. Wait, seen? What? I meant READ. I haven't READ the first two yet... But I do have them on my shelves and they're signed! :D And I really loved her Darkest Powers trilogy. Definitely one of my favorite series! :)

What do you guys think?
Can you find the common element between this and the other two covers?
Have you read the other two books? Are they any good?

Let me know!

Monday, 18 June 2012

The Selection by Kiera Cass

Rating: Wide Eyed - 4/5
Release Date: April 24th, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 327

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
" For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in the palace and compete for the heart of the gorgeous Prince Maxon.

But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.

Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself- and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined."

America is a girl who lives in the Fifth caste - a caste full of musicians - and is more than happy with the way her life is. However, when the announcement of the Selection is given - the chance of 35 lucky girls to win over the heart of Prince Maxon, and therefore the crown - her whole life is turned upside down. Pushed by her family, and her secret boyfriend Aspen, America enters the contest reluctantly, but postitive that she's not going to be picked. What are the odds, right?

But of course, she's picked. How else would there be a story if she wasn't?

I really, really liked the way that Cass wrote the scene of America being picked for the Selection. She wasn't even watching the TV when it happened! It only reinforced her belief that she wasn't going to be picked. And the names of all of the characters? America, Aspen, Kota, and a bunch of other names that were just AWESOME. Loved the names of the characters!

America was a strong main character for this book, and I absolutely loved her. Her inexperience of the world outside of her town was brilliant, and even though she was unsure of what was going to happen next, she had a very strong head on her shoulders and always did what she thought was right without even considering the conciquences.

Her and Aspens relationship was hot and... Brief. But between her and Maxon? Ohboy! I really want more of that. I give Cass a million and one kudos for not making it insta-love between the two of them, I absolutely hate when that happens between characters. Because their love for each other was gradual, and down-right hilarious, the love-triangle in the book actually worked! It wasn't one of those annoying things that just pop out of nowhere, and you actually understand America's indecision between Aspen and Maxon (Although the choice is obvious, Team Maxon!).

And although the ending didn't go out with a bang... It still felt very fitting. I was easily satisfied with the ending, and I can say that without a doubt I am SO eager to get my hands on the next book!

Ps; Thanks for acknowledging the late-night readers, Kiera! I happened to be one of those!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Awake at Dawn by C. C. Hunter

Rating: Wide Eyed - 4/5
Release Date: October 11th, 2011
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 383

***Warning: This will contain spoilers from the first book***

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
"From the moment Kylie Galen arrived at Shadow Falls Camp, she’s had one burning question: What am I? Surrounded by vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, fairies and witches, Kylie longs to figure out her own supernatural identity…and what her burgeoning powers mean. And now she’ll need them more than ever, because she’s being haunted by a new spirit who insists that someone Kylie knows—and loves—will die before the end of the summer. If only she only knew who she was supposed to save. And how… 
But giving Kylie the most trouble is her aching heart. Gorgeous werewolf Lucas left camp with another girl, but he’s still visiting Kylie in her dreams. And Derek, a sexy half Fae who’s always been there for her when she needed him, is pushing to get more serious—and growing impatient, especially when Lucas returns. Kylie knows she needs to decide between the boys, and it’s tearing her up inside.

Yet romance will have to wait, because something from the dark side of the supernatural world is hiding in Shadow Falls. It’s about to threaten everything she holds dear…and bring her closer to her destiny."
 Reading over my notes on this book.... One thing seems to come up a LOT, and that would be Kylie's problems. Or rather, her lack of wanting to deal with her problems. Now, I understand that there may be a lot of them and that she just wants a break, but I want to read about a character who's got a back bone, who will stand up and face her fears! Unfortunately... Kylie failed to do that. She only dealt with her problems when she absolutely HAD to. And yet...

And yet... This book was still SO. GOOD. I have no idea how, or even why it was so good. And it's because of her reluctance to deal with her issues that I knocked it down a star, but... Wow. Hunter has managed to rope me in again without me even realizing that she had done it.

**The rest of this review will contain spoilers**

I was so glad that Kylie talked with her ghostly father right off the bat! I was dying to find out if he knew anything about her identity... Which he unfortunately didn't... But still!

Also... It really annoyed me how Della didn't agree to go with Kylie to the falls right off the bat... Especially when Della wanted Kylie to get over the whole blood-issue that she had with Della.

And her daddy problems! My goodness! I understand that you might hate him, and I really did sympathize with Kylie in the beginning! But once we got past the half way point in the book and she was still avoiding her father issues PLUS every single freaking other problem she had, I was about fed up with it. JUST DEAL WITH IT, WOMAN!

And the whole Frederika thing? SHE left to run off with Lucas. Lucas didn't ASK her to come with him, it just HAPPENED. Honestly? What was he going to do about it? You SAW how horribly stubborn Frederika could be!!! Get over yourself, Kylie. Honestly.

And we still don't know what Kylie is! The suspence is KILLING me! It's killing! I want to know already! If I don't know by the end of the third book... I swear.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Stacking the Shelves (2)

Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews hosts a weekly meme which is... Stacking the Shelves!

Stacking the Shelves allows bloggers to share the books that they have bought/borrowed/received over the past week with others!

So, with out further ado.... Here's what I got this week!:

I got these six books from a Wal-Mart around the corner from my dads house that just opened up, and let me just say.... The book selection there is AMAZING! And they're all 30% off! Which is why I have six books here... You guys know how I can't resist the discount.
The Selection by Kiera Cass: Bought
Beautiful Chaos by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl: Bought
Where She Went by Gayle Forman: Bought
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa: Bought (This one was 40% off!)
Under My Skin by Charles de Lint: Bought
Legend by Marie Lu: Legend

I also went to Value Village to look at there books there, and I managed to find two books that I've been wanting to read! I also signed up for Harper Collin's YA magazine Frenzy! I was so excited when it came in the mail!

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden: Bought
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini: Bought
Frenzy magazine by Harper Collins: Ordered

If you guys are interested in recieving the magazine as well, it's free! All you have to do is e-mail them at their Frenzy Magazine e-mail address and give them you mailing address and you'll have it in the mail in no time! :)

I was surprised to see that when I opened the package, I found a few swag items inside!

Hemlock Postcard: Received in the mail.
Divergent/Delirium Tattoos: Received in the mail.

I would just like to take the time to thank Harper Collins for the magazine and the goodies! And a special thanks to Vikki for taking the time to write that note for me! It made me really happy! So thanks a million! Can't wait for the next issue of Frenzy to come in the mail!

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Bitter End by Jennifer Brown

Rating: Starry Eyed - 5/5
Release Date: May 10th, 2011
Publisher: Little, Brown
Pages: 359

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
"When Alex falls for the charming new boy at school, Cole -- a handsome, funny, sports star who adores her -- she can't believe she's finally found her soul mate . . . someone who truly loves and understands her.
At first, Alex is blissfully happy. Sure, Cole seems a little jealous of her relationship with her close friend Zack, but what guy would want his girlfriend spending all her time with another boy? As the months pass, though, Alex can no longer ignore Cole's small put-downs, pinches, or increasingly violent threats.
As Alex struggles to come to terms with the sweet boyfriend she fell in love with and the boyfriend whose "love" she no longer recognizes, she is forced to choose -- between her "true love" and herself."
This was SUCH an amazing read. While I was reading this story... Which I stayed up till 7am to finish... I was completely swept away by Alex's story. I felt like I was on this emotional ride with her. Heck, sometimes I even felt like I WAS Alex, that's how vivid this book was for me.

The pacing was incredible. Not once did it slow down or speed up to an impossible pace. It stayed constant throughout the whole novel, and it kept me reading from as soon as I picked it up.

The character development in this novel was also amazing... Alex really changed from beginning to end of this book. In the beginning, she was confused, hurt, lost, broken, and most importantly... She felt unloved. But by the end of the book, she had managed to pick up all of her pieces and put together someone who was on the road to recovery. She had the pieces in her hand, and now all that she needed was to put them back together.

The ending was amazing. I felt an incredible amount of closure while it still somehow managed to remain open at the same time. I was happy and proud of Alex, and I can't wait for Jennifer Brown's next book - Perfect Escape!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (2)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine spotlighting upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

Publish Date: October 23rd, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

"Don't look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.
That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he's dare to fall for.
Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister's world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myths and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.
My name is Ethan Chase. And I may not live to see my eighteenth birthday."
I'm so happy that we don't have to say good bye to The Iron Fey series just yet! And I don't know about you.... But I can't wait to hear about Meghan's younger brother, Ethan! :)

Who's not looking so young anymore... ;) I really hope he becomes best friends with Meghan's son/daughter! And I am SO pumped to find out who he falls in love with.... And I really, REALLY hope that Kagawa doesn't do a love-triangle in this one. Just a really epic love story on the side!

The cover is really pretty too! But I have no idea what that stuff is on his stomach... Hopefully we'll get to find out sometime soon! Can't wait till October! 

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Stacking the Shelves (1)

Hey guys!

Tynga over at Tynga's Reviews hosts a weekly meme called Stacking the Shelves. 
So, with all of that out of the way, here are the books that I got this week. :)

These two books I got from the Wal-Mart that was around the corner from my house. I love not having to buy books at full price!
The Lady of the Rivers by Philippa Gregory: Bought
Wrecked by Anna Davies: Bought

The Lady of the Rivers is the third book in the Cousins' War series and I haven't quite read the first two yet, but I plan on it sometime soon! Ps; this book is an adult series. :)

Wrecked is a debut novel for this year, so you can imagine my excitement when I saw it on the shelves at Wal-Mart! I really need to get a move-on on my debut author challenge. :)

Till next week!

Friday, 8 June 2012

Born at Midnight by C. C. Hunter

Rating: Starry Eyed - 5/5
Release Date: March 29th, 2011
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 398

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
One night Kylie Galen finds herself at the wrong party, with the wrong people, and it changes her life forever. Her mother ships her off to Shadow Falls—a camp for troubled teens, and within hours of arriving, it becomes painfully clear that her fellow campers aren’t just “troubled.” Here at Shadow Falls, vampires, werewolves, shapshifters, witches and fairies train side by side—learning to harness their powers, control their magic and live in the normal world. 
Kylie’s never felt normal, but surely she doesn’t belong here with a bunch of paranormal freaks either. Or does she? They insist Kylie is one of them, and that she was brought here for a reason. As if life wasn’t complicated enough, enter Derek and Lucas. Derek’s a half-fae who’s determined to be her boyfriend, and Lucas is a smokin’ hot werewolf with whom Kylie shares a secret past. Both Derek and Lucas couldn’t be more different, but they both have a powerful hold on her heart.

Even though Kylie feels deeply uncertain about everything, one thing is becoming painfully clear—Shadow Falls is exactly where she belongs…
Wow. Just - Just wow. I have to admit that I absolutely loved this book. Kylie was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time, and as a result, she was shipped off to Shadow Falls Camp, a camp for troubled teens. But at the camp, not everyone is as they seem...

Within the camps grounds, we come across Shape-Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Witches and even Fairies. At first, I thought that Shadow Falls was going to be a species over-load. But Hunter made it work out surprisingly well. During the book, we got a good dose of each of the species. With Kylie's two best friends - a vampire and a witch -, her two irresistible crushes, Lucas - a werewolf - and Derek - a half-fae - we got the full supernatural dose. 

Can I tell you again how surprised I was by how much I loved this book? First, Kylie was a totally relateable character for me. I can completely understand her need to be normal throughout the book, and I definitely didn't blame her for wanting it to be that way. Her attraction to Lucas did kind of annoy me, cause it kind of sprang out of nowhere, where as her attraction to Derek had at least had been built up on something. But I do have to admit, both of those guys are amazing characters. Just when I thought I preferred Derek over Lucas, Lucas would swoop in and do something to make me reconsider, and when I started favouring Lucas, Derek would swoop in and do the exact same thing.

Another thing that annoyed me was how long it took Kylie to finally deal with the ghost that kept plaguing her. The curiosity of what he wanted was killing me! And I thank that ghost a million times for being forceful of having his voice heard! But I hardly regestered this annoyance with everything else that seemed to be going on at Shadow Falls.

Over all, this book was just absolutely awesome. If you asked me why I loved this book so much, I honestly wouldn't be able to give you a straight up answer. I think it's because I was able to connect with Kylie so much. Or maybe it was because of how dedicated her, Della and Miranda were as friends to one another. Or maybe it was the fact that the twist with the ghost I didn't see coming at all. 

I could go one listing thing after thing, but all I'm going to be doing is wasting your time. I would easily read this book again in a pinch, and I really think you should give this book a shot. I went in with skepticism because I had heard very bad things about it - but also a few good things - but, oh my god, am I ever glad I took the time to read this book.

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross

Rating: Clear Eyed - 2/5
Release Date: May 24th, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 473
Source: Bought

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
"In 1897 England, 16-year-old Finley Jayne is convinced she's a freak. No normal Victorian girl has a darker side that makes her capable of knocking out a full-grown man with one punch. Only Griffin King sees the magical darkness inside her that says she's special . . . that she's one of "them."
Finley Jayne is not your average girl. Finley has a dark side - a side that enables her to throw grown men like a mere sack of potatoes. And quite frankly, I liked that about her. Finley's dark side intrigued me a hell of a lot more than her other side. The darker side to Miss Jayne was extremely bad-ass, and I have to admit, I love that in my characters. But it was really awesome how completely different the two sides of Finley were. However, I kept forgetting that Finley was supposed to have blonde hair in brown hair. The girl on the cover kept confusing me. I really wish that when the publisher, or author or whoever decides the cover art for the book that if they were going to show the characters, they at least resemble the description given to them in the book. Is that so hard to do?

Throughout the book, there were plenty of references to Dr. Jekyll and My. Hyde references, which I totally understand from Finley's personality. It kind of makes me wonder if this book was inspired by the old classic. I also got a strong reminder of a CSI episode during this book, and I was oddly reminded of Scooby-Doo during the ending. I can't really say that I liked these resemblances, though. In fact, they kind of annoyed me and felt out of place considering the time frame the book is set in. It's supposed to be the 1800s, I don't want to be reminded of current-day things.

And the love triangles! UGH! Okay. So I understand the one between Jack and Griff and Finely, but the one between what's-his-face, Sam and Emily? Totally not necessary. Not every main character in the book has to be in love with somebody. It's really not necessary. Anyways.

Other than Finley's bad-ass self, I couldn't really bring myself to really care for anyone, and I didn't really find the plot all that engaging. It was very predictable for me. In fact, it was so predictable that I can say that I could have easily stopped reading this book and I would have known what happened in the end without needing to read it.

The pace of the book was moderate. I wasn't bored with it, but I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat either. This might have been due to the fact that the book was predictable and I wasn't really invested in it's characters. Which brings me to my disappointment in this book. Trust me when I say that I wanted to like it. I really did. But I just couldn't do it. I mean, it was an okay read, but definitely not something that I would consider picking up and reading again.

Now. If you haven't read this book and plan on it, I wouldn't suggest reading this next little bit unless you want to know the ending. So scram! You have been warned!

First, I would like to pose a question. WHY THE HELL DID SAM GO AND CONFRONT LEON ON HIS OWN?!?! That was such a stupid thing to do. You have no idea how much it annoyed me. When they finally figured out Leon was The Mechanist was, I remember repeating over and over in my head, "Sam better not go and confront him on his own. He better not. DON'T DO IT SAM."

But what does he do? Exactly what he shouldn't have. *sigh* I'm sorry. I know characters have there faults and whatever, but this really annoyed me, you have no idea.

Also! At the end when they took what's-his-face away (I can't even remember his name anymore)! What the hell was that?! I understand that there was build up towards that, but barely. I mean, the guy didn't even seem like a killer. Not in the, he-hid-it-so-well kind of way, but in the he's-not-capable-of-doing-something-like-that-EVER kind of way. And honestly? When they took him away I can't say I really cared at all. And have you read the description for the second book?! Who the heck is this new chick? I thought he liked Emily. This also erked me. I can't say why, it just really did.

Butyeah. That's my rant and I'm sorry you had to hear it, but I just needed to get that out of my system.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Rating: Starry Eyed - 5/5
Release Date: June 29th, 2010
Publishers: MTV Books & Pocket Books
Pages: 213
Source: Borrowed

First, a quick summary from goodreads:

"Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.This haunting novel about the dilemma of passivity vs. passion marks the stunning debut of a provocative voice in contemporary fiction: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is the story of what it’s like to grow up in high school. More intimate than a diary, Charlie's letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating. We may not know where he lives. We may not know to whom he is writing. All we know is the world he shares. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it puts him on a strange course through uncharted territory. The world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends. The world of sex, drugs, andThe Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. Through Charlie, Stephen Chbosky has created a deeply affecting coming-of-age story, a powerful novel that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller coaster days known as growing up."
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is pretty much about a boy named Charlie, and his experiences in high school - to put it simply.

The first thing that struck me with this book was how utterly simplistic it was... Yet incredibly deep at the same time. What Charlie was saying was simple enough, and very straight forward, but it really made you sit there and think. Think about how others are fairing, what happened to get them there, why people act the way they do, amongst a million other things. In Charlie's case, the perks of being a wallflower is the ability to sit there and merely observe and take in all of this amazing detail about everyone surrounding him.

The only thing is, while Charlie is meant to be 15-16 in the book, I didn't quite feel like he was nearly anywhere that old. He felt more like a 10 or 11 year old boy experiencing everything for the first time. Yet, this didn't really bother me. Considering that everyone was telling him that Charlie didn't really participate in anything, he probably was experience many of these things for the first time.

I was also oddly jealous of all of the literature Charlie was plowing through during his school year... I mean, I would never have the tolerance for all those books. When I saw that his teacher gave him a copy of The Great Gatsby, I cringed. God, I really thought that book was boring.

Chbosky's novel also has the ability to read really easily. And even though you don't really get to hear much from the characters that Charlie surrounds himself with, you still get a really good feel for who they are and what they stand for, which I think is really amazing.

Even though there isn't much plot structure to Chbosy's book, I really didn't care. It was such an easy read and it flowed really nicely and I just loved the writing style. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one awesome, insightful book that I would recommend to anyone who's looking for a read that just sticks with them.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Waiting on Wednesday (1)

The Mark of Athena
by Rick Riordan
I am so excited for this book, you don't even know. Rick Riordan is hands down one of my top 3 favorite authors. It all began with the very first book in the Olympian series.

I was perusing through the Middle Grade section of Chapters for some unknown reason when I saw the green spine of a book called "The Lightening Thief." The title of the book was enough to make me pull it out and read the back. At the time, I was on quite the Greek Mythology kick, so you can imagine my excitement when I found Riordan's book based completely and utterly around Greek Myth. It was definitely my lucky day. 

Ever since then I have been a dedicated and fan-girling... Fan... of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. And his Kane Chronicles... And his spin-off series, The Heroes of Olympus.

So, you can obviously imagine my excitement when the cover was released for Riordan's latest book The Mark of Athena a few days ago. I even have a post for it. There is a lot of unintelligible keyboard smashing, I was just so excited, haha.

Anyways, here's the synopsis: 
Annabeth is terrified. Just when she’s about to be reunited with Percy—after six months of being apart, thanks to Hera—it looks like Camp Jupiter is preparing for war. As Annabeth and her friends Jason, Piper, and Leo fly in on the Argo II, she can’t blame the Roman demigods for thinking the ship is a Greek weapon. With its steaming bronze dragon masthead, Leo’s fantastical creation doesn’t appear friendly. Annabeth hopes that the sight of their praetor Jason on deck will reassure the Romans that the visitors from Camp Half-Blood are coming in peace.
And that’s only one of her worries. In her pocket Annabeth carries a gift from her mother that came with an unnerving demand: Follow the Mark of Athena. Avenge me. Annabeth already feels weighed down by the prophecy that will send seven demigods on a quest to find—and close— the Doors of Death. What more does Athena want from her?
Annabeth’s biggest fear, though, is that Percy might have changed. What if he’s now attached to Roman ways? Does he still need his old friends? As the daughter of the goddess of war and wisdom, Annabeth knows she was born to be a leader, but never again does she want to be without Seaweed Brain by her side.
Narrated by four different demigods, The Mark of Athena is an unforgettable journey across land and sea to Rome, where important discoveries, surprising sacrifices, and unspeakable horrors await. Climb aboard the Argo II, if you dare. . . .
  -squeels- It sounds so EPIC! I am SO excited for this book! I have a feeling that the two sides might duke it out before they come to terms with one another.... And Annabeth and Percy are FINALLY going to be together again! And this time they;ll be together together. It'sgoingtobesoawesome.

I am dying to get my hands on this book. Maybe my blog will become popular enough by then that I'll get an ARC?! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME. Well, let's hope for the best. :)

What do you guys think is going to happen?
Are you as excited for this book as I am?!

Till next time,

Sunday, 3 June 2012

A Great Start to Steampunk!

The Strange Case of Finley Jayne
      by Kady Cross

Wide Eyed - 3/5

First, a quick summary from Goodreads:
"Finley Jayne knows she's not 'normal'. Normal girls don't lose time, or have something inside them that makes them capable of remarkably violent things. Her behavior has already cost her one job, so when she's offered the lofty position of companion to Phoebe, a debutante recently engaged to Lord Vincent, she accepts, despite having no experience. Lord Vincent is a man of science with his automatons and inventions, but Finley is suspicious of his motives where Phoebe is concerned. She will do anything to protect her new friend, but what she discovers is even more monstrous than anything she could have imagined..."
When I first picked up The Girl in the Steel Corset, I didn't realize that the paperback version had the prequel to the Steampunk series. Needless to say, it was an awesome surprise. :)

It was a fun, quick read that was a nice introduction to Miss Finley Janye. I didn't feel like I was missing anything, nor did I ever feel like I was being over-loaded with information. I think it would have been a more enjoyable read if I had read The Girl in the Steel Corset before I read the novella.

But you really get a feel for Finley Jayne in this short-story. Her heroic side really shines, but in a some-what scary way. Finley tends to be most heroic when her "dark side" takes over. I found myself quite enjoying Finley's character, but then I would be somewhat scared of her when her violent, dark side would take over.

I also love how Phoebe and her mother weren't bothered by Finley's weird behavior. 

I can't wait to get started on The Girl in the Steel Corset!