Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tygna over
at Tynga's Reviews. Through this meme, bloggers
alike are able to share with each other all of the awesome books that got over
the past week!
Here's how you can go
about making your own STS:
- Create your own Stacking The Shelves post. You can use my official graphic or your own, but
please link back to Tynga’s Reviews so more people can join the fun!
- You can set your post any way you want, simple book list, covers, pictures, vlog, sky is the
- I am posting Stacking The Shelves on Saturdays, but
feel free to post yours any day that fits you.
- Visit Tynga’s Reviews on Saturday and add your
link so others can visit you!
- Visit other participants link to find out what they added to their
This week I got quite a few books, but they were all $6 or less, so I guess it's not that bad... Right?
Virals by Kathy Reichs: Bought
I've already read Genesis and it was actually really good for such a short book!
This next guy got left behind and wasn't included in the first shipment with all the other books, poor little book. :( But here's the *ahem* ninth (I know, I'm crazy, right?) book from my... Uh, first order of books online.
And these two books I picked up yesterday...
Cinder by Marissa Meyer: Bought
There's a story behind these two books too!
I was watching someone's book haul on YouTube one day (I can't remember who's it was for the life of me), and one of the book they had in it was The Probability of Miracles. All I can really remember was them saying, "This cover is freaking gorgeous." And I, sir, agree with you whole-heartily! This book - this book - doesn't just look phenominal, it sounds phenominal (because of course I hastily read the back before I bought it). But anyways. Online, I saw that the Chapters by my house had one copy in-store, so before work yesterday I left a bit early to pick this book up! While I was at Chapters, I was also somehow lucky enough to find a copy of Cinder in the discount area for $6! There was no way I could just leave it there, right?
Anywaaays... With that story out of my system, I still have one little announcement for you guys. :P I did order another box of books online, and let me tell you, I've been planning on buying one of the books in my order for a while! Unfortunately... I don't think it's going to make it to my house in time for this weeks STS, so you'll have to wait until next week. Hopefully the suspense will bring you back next week! lol x)
And I know this isn't really a book, but....
I got an epic chair from Wal-Mart that I swear I'm going to be doing all of my reading in from now on! It's so freaking COMFY! Especially when I put a pillow behind my head... I could just fall asleep. :D:D
So, my fellow book lovers... What did you get this week?! Is there anything you're interested in me reading and reviewing - like now - in this haul? I would love to know! :)